Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Inner Voice/Matnra: Gandhi shows us how

"When done systematically, mantra has a powerful effect on the brain. It gathers and focuses the energy of the mind. It teaches the mind to focus on one point and it cultivates the steadiness that over time becomes an unshakable evenness of temper. When the mind is steadied it is not shaken by fear". (Stephen Cope ). The mind grabs hold of the Mantra and it becomes focused,calm, and centered and over time it becomes a more constant state of being and focused state of being. In today's neuroscience they refer to concepts like this as neuroplasticity .

As I stated earlier inner awareness and knowing yourself are key to dominating the mental game and reaching your MAP (maximum athletic potential). Also stated were some of the key principles in overcoming fears, resetting, establishing focus, and directing your focus.

One of the key ways of doing this is through breath and self talk or a cue statement or work. These actionable events that take place within seconds on the court and their sole purpose is to thrust you into the NOW with the intent of directing and narrowing your focus and attention on the specific goal or task at hand.

If we were to take this concept a step further in order to set the tone and establish a more permeable concrete state of mind we would train ourselves off the court mentally. This would involve the practice of dedicated focused breathing sessions. Once we have established our breath we can now direct our mind and attention to how we want to be when we perform (on and off the court).

 To take a deeper looks at this let's take the example of Mohandas Gandhi. As a young boy Gandhi grew up scrawny, timid and extremely fearful. He was constantly attacked, picked on and bullied by his peers. He was characterized as a little boy with big eyes and gigantic ears. He was relentlessly haunted by fears of ghosts, serpents and thiefs. He could not bare to even be in a room alone and later in life he even ackowledged himself as a "coward". Yet what do we know as Gandhi the man? A fearless leader who fought for peace and was undeniable in his pursuits for peace through nonviolence, the prerequiste being "non violence". So how did this shift occur??

The story goes that as a boy Gandhi was under the care of a family servant named Rambha. Rambha felt compassion for this timid fearful boy. Gandhi would come running to Rambha everyday after school after being bullied and pummeled by his peers from school. Rambha explained to the young Gandhi that "there is no shame in being fearful, but try this, whenever your threatened instead of running away, stand firm and repeat these words, Rama, Rama, Rama, this will turn your fear into courage. (Rama is one of the hindu words for God). So young Gandhi tried this and found it helpful. He began practicing this mantra over and over and he would walk for miles repeating this mantra. It calmed his mind and his body and eventually systematicaly took on a whole mind body connection of it's own that stayed with him for the rest of his life and was the mover that became his fearlessness in protesting violence.

Sports competition bring out everything in a person, fear, confidence, anxiety, joy, pain and so. A full range of emotions and thoughts. To be dominant and successful in the moment we MUST be "IN THE MOMENT". All sorts of variables during competition are trying to knock us off or out of our MOMENT and it is those that are unshakable that dominate, recover, and are not stirred by the moment. Having YOUR mantra your unshakable being or voice will help you Be in the Moment and stand strong and firm despite any outcomes. Finding your inner voice your inner matra is up to you and takes a strong hard looks at yourself. I have found it most help to get to my own inner voice through the help of a mentor, therapist, trainer, or trusted person. Play with what speaks to you the most. Sit with yourself and be your mantra give it a voice, nourish it and let it cultivate as it did with Mohandas Gandhi. It is with confidence that I say your inner voice and mantra will take you to exactly the place you want to go and need to be. Some peoples mantra is a vision. "since the age of 8 years old I dream of playing in the super bowl" This vision became a visual mantra for one individual and so it was true.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Vision your way to success: A Sports Perspective

Some of us will run, some will walk, some will meander, some of us will just sit,  and some will run in circles. We all share a common thread as human beings. We are purpose driven. At first we were driven to attain what Maslow deemed some of the basic tenants of life; including food, shelter and reproduction.

Obviously we have moved well beyond this as we look at how this relates to Sports and Success in Life. This is where things get interesting. So we know we are driven and destined for something. Some may know by the age of 5 years old. While others are 60 years old and are still on their journey home. The point here is that it is ours, yours, everyone's due diligence even your DUTY to be seeking, listening, and smelling out the true Vision, Destiny or Dharma of our/your path. To not be listening  for this and trying to understand or make our Vision more clean is at the Crux of all anxiety, negativity, and ill will.

In Sports Vision is Crucial and it is the center point for which all success and or failure hinges. Those with a True Vision of where they are going or what they want no matter how big or seemingly impossible it is have the most peace, direction, happiness, love and success. Yes sure there will be failures and pitfalls along the way, but resiliency in these matters is what actually creates the happiness and success behind it all.

So how do we find our Vision if it is not apparent. Like searching for Precious minerals or metals (gold), we don't frenetically dig around randomly, and we don't rush. We intentionally set a mind to this aspect of finding our Vision by creating TIME  and SPACE to explore that which drives us, that which creates that exciting feeling buried deeper within us and bubbles up as we dream and invite our Vision to fuller expression.

As an individual athlete we dream big beyond what our physical world and external environment tells us. We erase all the constrictions and boundaries; not big enough, too slow, it's too much, small town. whatever the road block may be we begin to whittle it down until we get closer to the right fit. This is the way of Vision.

For a team we come together to create a shared vision and we commit to this shared vision with full intention. Without a full commitment to this shared vision we are very vulnerable to it quickly falling apart. We are weak at the seams. One misplaced piece disrupts the FLOW of the team's vision. We are committed in our time frame, our process and determination. We are committed to helping those individuals on the team who have lost their way NO MATTER what.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mental Resetting in Sports

In Sport, failure to execute, making simple mistakes, and lack of focus occur frequently and are common in even the most elite athlete, but what separates elite from good is the ability to RESET.

Upon entering any competition most athletes are proficient in preparing their bodies; Right nutrition, warming up the body/muscles, pre-game skills, etc.; however the pre-game mental warm up and preparation is often lacking or not nearly paid attention to enough. Beach volleyball is unique in the mental aspect and demands upon a player. As you go through a game small errors can lead to rhythm changes, momentum shifts, and possible compounding errors which can quickly lead to a loss that could have been prevented with a couple of quick, in the moment mental adjustments. These quick adjustments which I call “Resets” actually start before you even step on the court or into competition.

To be able to quickly make a mental adjustment in the middle of a match you must first enter the match with a “quiet mind” (clean, blank slate if you will), and deeper sense of self awareness. Much like a computer our brains work on neural pathways and connections. When your computer/brain is bogged down with too many applications (distracting thoughts) running at once, your efficiency to perform tasks (motor planning and executive functioning) become compromised. We know this in the computer world because we start to see error messages. Loading information is slow (buffering), and eventually a crash can happen. When your computer is rebooted and Reset everything runs smoother and more efficiently.

Amazingly, we are able to perform this same action with our brains.

Competition can trigger a fear response mechanism which can be translated into fight or flight reaction, which I translate into a pendulum effect of anxiety in the competition world. This anxiety rests upon the “inverted U Hypothesis”, which states that one must have the optimal anxiety level to perform in the flow state or the zone. This basically translates into the competitor needing to modulate ones anxiety level so it’s not too high and not too low. The other key ingredient to a strong mental game is FOCUS. So, how do we attain these two key mental aspects Optimal Anxiety and Focus to RESET? I will list the ingredients much like a recipe:

 1. Diaphragmatic Breathing: in through the nose for a 6-10 count and back down 6-10 count 5-6 minutes. Clear the mind, relax the nervous system. Close to competition 1 hour or less. In competition. This is 1 or 2 deep belly breaths, while incorporating your Reset or Cue word (step There is much more to diaphragmatic breathing, but here is a start.

 2. Introduce Visualization: how do you see yourself playing? Set your intention and focus here, zero in on how you will play and what you will do. In the moment see the serve, pass, or shot the way you practice it.

 3. Cue Words/Self Talk: Establish your cue words that you will use in the moment to reset and get you back in the game. Short, specific, direct and impactful statements or words: pass the ball, move your feet, Right Now, Be Aggressive, attack, dig deep, let it go or simply RESET. To make this effective knowing yourself and having Inner Awareness is key.

 4. Posture: project winning positive posture, head up, chest out, NOT deflated or head down. Focused on getting the next point, NOT what is going wrong or not happening or future outcome focused.

 5. In Moment Process Focused: Do NOT think outcome focused--how many points you’re down, were going to win, we are too far down, we can’t come back. INSTEAD, what do I (we) need to do RIGHT NOW.

 6. Deep Breath: The impact of 1-2 deep breaths can do wonders in saving your game and Resetting. 

7. Intensity level: Understand the moment and energy going on with your team or yourself. Here you are modulating your anxiety and intensity level. Either it needs to go up or down. You will use SELF TALK to adjust this---yelling, screaming, “Let’s go”, or lower it—“Nice and easy”, “one point at a time.” Sometimes it just takes ONE BIG PLAY. A big, hit, dig, ace. USE it to carry you through and shift the momentum.

 Let’s recap, It starts with your breath (1 to 2 deep belly breaths), assess the situation, and pull from your grab of above listed strategies. Use 1, 2 or all of them. Feel what you need. Then implement. You may ask “how do you have time for all this before the other team goes back to serve?” Let’s remember the brain is fast “HOW fast”? Well research has shown that the brain processes 20 Million Billion bits of information every second and can process an image in just 13 milliseconds. SO yes you have time between serves to visualize, breathe and RESET before the serve. The important thing to take away is that RESETING takes practice in your mental preparation well before you even step on the court. It’s important to incorporate these strategies consistently and make them apart of your game so it’s an unconscious reaction.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Knowing yourself towards Excellence

Most of us are trying to move somewhere. For me in particular it's in the realm of helping athletes maximize their potential by accessing and overcoming mental blocks in performance. Sure I have my own goals to maximize my potential, climb a mountain or two or surf bigger waves, haha, but for the purposes of this blog it's about how to help YOU not ME.

If you want to get somewhere, achieve, finish higher, win more, you Must first deal with YOU. You can not get to where you want to go until you first figure who you are and what you are about. Do you get scared and freeze up when the game is tight or the stakes are high? Or perhaps you indulge in the moment too much and you're too loose and overconfident. Both of which have an impact on focus and take you out of the moment.

It's important to do a self inventory of your strengths and weaknesses and understand what your mental tendencies are in relation to your sport and your performance. This way you can move forward on strengthening this aspect just as you would with improving your sport specific strength and skills training. The mental aspect is often over looked and undervalued. Yes people talk about it and say things like "sports are SO MENTAL", but often is the case that a training regime or a dedicated practice is not put in place.

Attached is an article I have written that takes this aspect a bit further.